Architectural surveys in Sussex by local experts.


Building reports and surveys are a big part of buying and selling property and can help you make an informed choice. We are independent experts who can offer services across the area to help you get the information you need with architectural surveys in Sussex, Surrey, Central London and Kent.

All types of survey conducted

There are a variety of different surveys available for homeowners to help you understand any potential problems with a property that don’t show in a valuation report carried out by a mortgage company. Our job is to find defects and future costs relating to the property to allow you to make an informed decision about buying it or to help negotiate with the seller.

Building surveys are comprehensive and details reports that looking into the condition of a property. Visible elements are inspected and a list of current or potential problems are detailed. Recommendations about the course of action to take with these problems are also included.

Getting the right survey

Apart from a mortgage survey, it is up to you what type of survey you have. The aim is to keep spending in check but also make sure you have all the information needed about the property to make informed decisions. The age and condition of the house can play a big part in deciding how far to go in terms of a survey.

Types of homebuyer survey

To start with, there are four types of homebuyer survey that you can hire a surveyor to conduct on a property you are buying. These types of survey are different from the kind of work done by party wall surveyors or quantity surveyors but the people doing them are often the same, so don’t be put off if you see mention of these things on the surveyor’s website.

Condition report

The Condition report is the basic survey and highlights risks and potential issues as well as urgent defects. It is ideal for new build or conventional homes that are in good condition. It uses a traffic light system and doesn’t offer advice or a valuation on the property.

Home Buyer’s report

This is one of the most common types of survey across Kent, Surrey, Central London and much of the South East, as it does go into more detail but is still less expensive than a full building survey. It identifies structural problems such as subsidence and damp as well as other problems inside and outside. It doesn’t look behind walls or under floorboards. It can include a valuation and also ideas about the cost of repairs.

Building survey

This is similar to an in-depth inspection but uses a simple 1-2-3 rating system to help people identify the most urgent areas of concern. This is ideal for larger or older properties or if you plan to do a lot of work. It looks at issues such as defects, repairs and maintenance options as well as highlighting potential problems if work isn’t done.

Full structural survey

This is the most comprehensive and most expensive type of homebuyer survey and is ideal for older homes or those needs repairs. It is very extensive in terms of what is looked at including going under floorboards and behind walls. It will include repair options but doesn’t include a valuation.

Our Services

  • Architectural surveys for all property types

  • Building reports and surveys available

  • Home buyer’s reports

  • Feasibility studies

  • Range of other services


Contact us to find out more and get started.